7 Annual Events You Can’t Miss in Malta


Malta is an island located in the Mediterranean, it is rich with culture, history and art due to the many countries that ruled over it in the past.

Malta is a place that many tourists go to for its wonderful coasts and culture, as well as the wonderful events that take place every year catering to all types of interests. The annual events taking place in Malta include a wide range of musical festivals, food festivals as well as art festivals.

Here are seven annual events that you should experience at least once in your lifetime.

1. Malta International Fireworks Festival

The international Malta firework festival is a sight to behold. This annual event takes place over the course of a couple of days. At the end of the final day in the festival they launch a large number of fireworks that are so colourful and bright they light up the grand harbour and its surroundings. This event is organized by the ministry of tourism and it attracts many tourists to watch the amazing fireworks show. It also attracts the attention of pyrotechnic companies from all over the world to participate in the spectacular finale.

2. Malta Jazz festival

The best events to go to in Malta was tackled in a blog post called What to do in Malta – 20+ festivals and events you shouldn’t miss, it gives you an overview and insight into what you can do in Malta and which festivals are ones that are unforgettable. One that was mentioned is The Valletta Jazz Festival. It is the perfect event for jazz enthusiasts to enjoy their common love and knowledge of jazz. This festival includes music played by many award-winning jazz artists. It also offers workshops and classes for those who are interested. This event usually takes place at a seafront venue that adds to the overall experience. This event has taken place every July since 1990 and is still going strong. Although this is not the only festival that Malta has for music, this festival is the only one that has sole focus on Jazz.

3. Malta international airshow

This international air show which takes place in the second half of September at the Malta International airport is an annual event that has taken place since 1993. It is an impressive performance of aviation that is done competitively by civil and military aeroplanes from countries from all over the world. For a simple admission cost, you can be witness to this awe-inspiring annual event. It is an event gathering people from various countries that have an interest in aviation.

4. Birgufest

This event takes place in Birgu, which is a city in the close to the centre of Malta. The festival celebrates arts as well as the rich culture of Malta. Events taking place in this festival include reenactments of historic scenes in the streets of Birgu, as well as exhibitions from local artists to promote the exploration of the country’s culture. Visitors are encouraged to go to museums where there are various exhibitions of arts such as theatre, dance and paintings. This event used to be a very simple one with little to do, but over the years it has evolved into an event that takes place over the course of a whole weekend in the autumn.

5. Malta arts festival

This internationally known festival consists of multiple types of art including dance, theatre, music and is the perfect event for those who enjoy any form of art out there. There will be a diversity in the events taking place during the festival because people from all over the world participate in this internationally known festival. The festival lasts for a couple of weeks in the summer so that you can view as many exhibitions and shows as you wish to see. People from all over the world come to Malta to perform as well as shown in their art too, so you are not just limited to one type of art.

6. Festa Frawli (the Strawberry Festival)

Malta is very keen on its agriculture. This festival celebrates the strawberry production of the country of Malta. Because agriculture is the main focus of the festival you will find many fresh foods there to try with the spotlight falling on strawberries of course. This festival takes place in the spring when the Maltese harvest their sweet strawberries. The children in the city where the festival takes place prepare performances that they do during the festival. This event shows how appreciative the Maltese people are for their agricultural blessings. The festival takes place in the village of Mgarr.

7. Valletta Film Festival

The Valletta film festival is an annual event where movies, documentaries as well as short films are shown and given awards according to their ranking. If you have an interest in the film industry, whether you work in it or are just an enthusiast this event will be right up your alley. This event takes place in the summer for a week in which there will be many activities and workshops to attend. If you feel that you are up to the challenge you can even enter a film competition or if not, you can just have fun watching the films being shown there. Attending this international event will be acclaimed directors, producers as well as world-famous actors and actresses.

Malta full of life

Malta is an island that is full of events taking place throughout the whole year. There are obviously many more amazing events and festivals that take place in Malta that are not mentioned on this list, however, this list includes all the events that we do not recommend you miss. Whether you love music, fashion, food or arts, there will be an event for you out there to attend. This wonderful country that has an amazing view is an unforgettable experience waiting for you. Some of these events may cost you a small admission fee while others are totally free to attend, but we ensure that paying or not, you will have the time of your life.

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