So stunning, so sexy, so fit, it’s the the lovely Charlayne Everhart. Once again we’ve managed to get another hottie to share her exercise tips, diet regime and more.

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On training….

I’m only 5’2 and I’m a curvy UK size 6-8 with a tiny waist and a round bubble butt!

What’s your key to looking good?
My key to looking good is to always smile! Even if your having a bad day smiling will make you and others feel much better! Try it, it’s also very infectious!

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Give us your top training tip?
My top tip is to always give it your all! Set yourself small targets regularly to keep improving.

Do you ever feel under pressure in a gym full of men?
I never feel under pressure training with men in the gym as I like to show the men us girls can lift just as good 😉

What are your training goals for 2015?
My fitness goals for 2015 is to get in better shape and to win a few more first place trophies to add to my collection.

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On health…

What’s does your diet consist of?
My diet on an off season consists of lots of steak, the odd red wine and I love my peanut butter! I always eat plenty of real food rather than too many supplements.. But when I do I tend to use Muscletech products.

Is it expensive to keep up a healthy diet?
I don’t believe so as I prepare all my food in advance.
You can cook enough for 5/6 meals and divide them up and freeze them.

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If I can’t cook, what’s tips can you give to prepare a simply yet healthy meal?
If you can’t cook well simply try doing some one pot meals… Simply chop up lots of vegetables such as red onions, peppers, courgettes, sweet potatoes, then some diced meat such as chicken, add some garlic cloves if you like too.
Put it all in a big bowl and add some coconut oil (melt it so its liquid) and some of your favourite spices or a spice mix such as peri peri and stir it well to cover all the ingredients.
I like to then cover it and leave to marinade in the fridge for a few hours but you don’t have to.
Then simply put it all in a oven proof dish and stick it in the oven for about 45 minutes pending on what oven you have. It’s simple!

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On men and women…

Do you get a lot of attention with a body like yours?
Yes I find I get attention more since I’ve changed my physique!

Is the attention mostly from men or women?
I would actually say I get attention from women more ! I have many women asking for advice about their nutrition and training.

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On fashion…

If you wanted to buy a sexy dress, where would be your first choice fashion store to shop?
I have a gorgeous Herve Leger dress that I simply love but I also like little boutique and vintage shops.

What’s your favourite lingerie brand?
I at the minute I love Victoria’s Secret for lingerie. I do struggle to get lingerie to fit at times however, and all brands fit differently.

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What’s your favourite make up brand?
I love Mac or Crown for makeup. I adore the Crown brushes and palettes.

Short skirt or leggings?
I like my leggings as I like the way they hug my bum.

High heels or comfy flats?
Heels every time!

And finally give us all your social network urls so that we can follow you.
My Twitter is @uktvhost

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