6 reasons why you should invest in at least one pair of designer shoes

Buying a pair of designer shoes is always a big decision since they can set you back by quite a lot of money if you’re buying a top brand.

Even if you’re always looking for good deals or cheap alternatives to expensive shoes, it’s still worth owning a legitimate pair – which is why we have teamed up with Donaghys to put together 6 reasons why you should invest in at least one pair of designer shoes.

They’re stylish

The simplest reasons can sometimes be the best, so there’s no shame in picking up some designer shoes simply because they make your favourite outfit look even better. There’s plenty of value in the label, too: if the shoe brand is easy to recognise, it can make your outfit look far more high-end than it normally would, and you can often get away with wearing a designer version of ‘cheaper’ shoes (such as trainers) in more formal settings.

They can fit into any niche

‘Designer shoes’ usually conjures up images of high heels or trainers, but there are designer brands for any kind of shoe – sandals, hiking shoes and wellington boots are some of the rarer examples, although that doesn’t mean they’re difficult to find. Brands like the Caprice boots line can fill a gap in your shoe lineup as well as a gap in your wardrobe.

Discounts are much more useful

Let’s say you have a way to get a 20% discount on a new pair of shoes, and you’re considering on buying either a £30 pair or a £300 pair. As long as you’ve got the money to spare, the designer shoes are definitely worth picking up – that discount is a full £60, twice the base price of the other pair. Not only that, but you might even be able to make a profit if you outgrow the shoes and sell them to somebody else!

The materials are better

It’s rare that you’ll find a designer shoe label that uses poor materials, which is definitely shown in how durable and comfortable they are compared to cheaper makes. Not only will they last longer before starting to wear or fall apart, you’ll be able to wear them longer without getting sore feet.

These materials can also be more breathable or water-resistant than their cheaper counterparts, so your new designer shoes might be far more practical than the rest of your everyday wardrobe. Don’t put them under too much stress, though: if the weather’s getting really bad, you’re better off using something less expensive and easier to replace.

They can technically cost less

Designer shoes are meant to last longer than regular shoes, which can make their higher prices seem far less expensive when you put it into context. If a £200 pair of designer shoes last two years, it’s only a small amount more expensive than two pairs of £60 shoes that last a year each.

In some cases, you might find that designer shoes end up being cheaper on a per-year basis than their non-designer versions, and the opportunity to sell your shoes thanks to their label means that you can earn back a decent chunk of your investment.

You feel good owning them

Whether you wear them constantly or keep them for special occasions, your designer shoes represent you at your best. Being able to wear something you bought for yourself – something that only a small group of people in your local area probably own – feels great, and gives people a reason to pay attention to you and our outfit.