1. It’s always a great start when you discover a singer who can actually sing, no but seriously we adore Hobbie’s soft sound and he always puts his own spin on his musical covers, in fact Hobbie first came to light because of his enigmatic Youtube videos explaining “I didn’t think I’d get this much attention.”
2. Speaking of attention, it’s Hobbie’s standout cover of Rihanna ‘Diamonds’ that melts our hearts and the hearts of nearly 5.5 million others. He’s been working flat out since 2011 and has amassed 33 videos, you can subscribe to him at: youtube.com/user/HobbieStuartMusic?feature=watch
3. Having supported Professor Green already, we’re looking forward to Hobbie’s freshest release coming soon which features rapper Ghetts called ‘Still Here.’
4. ‘You’re gunna see numbers in action’ is something that Wiley might say to this Brighton/ London based singer as like his Youtube views he’s got the odd fan or two… let me be more detailed when I say he has 48,489 twitter followers and counting. It also goes to show he’s a nice guy because unlike Kayne West (sorry Kayne, we love you still) Hobbie actually follows more than one other person and he likes to have a chit chat frequently!
Follow Hobbie Stuart at @HobbieStuart
5. We left this reason for the finale because we’re totally not a shallow bunch but we have a feeling with his doe boy eyes and dashing good looks that Hobbie Stuart won’t just win people over with his vocals. Where can we get a Hobbie poster???
Written By Vanessa Carby @Oi_CARBY
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