
We’ve all been there. It’s January, the excesses of the festive period are sitting heavily on us and we promised ourselves that we would be a better version of ourselves in the New Year.

And lo, the new year is upon us and maybe you even started out well. Maybe you got that fancy gym membership and maybe you went for the first few weeks of the year.

Now the novelty is wearing clean off and the trips to the gym are becoming less and less frequent. Your new friends don’t seem to have quite as much in common anymore and all of a sudden, life admin tasks are far higher up the priority list.

If you can identify the most common reasons you don’t want to go to the gym, there is a fighting chance you will overcome them. We’ve picked out our top 5 here – see if you agree:

  1. Intimidation

If you’ve joined a gym for the first time or after a long break, the prospect of heading to a room filled with the knowledgeable and body-beautiful can be daunting. Just remember, everyone started somewhere so you deserve the respect of all the regular gym bunnies for starting your journey in the first place.

  1. Werk, werk, werk

Usually, we can’t wait to dash home after a day at our desk but all of a sudden, those deadlines seem critical, we want to just go the extra mile and do a better job on that report. Or your boss seems to be putting extra pressure on to kick start the calendar year so you’re doing more and more.

  1. Fatigue

No, I don’t mean due to a lack of sleep but if we’ve hit the gym hard at the start of the year the chances are the fragile muscles are screaming every time we move. Powering on through can sometimes be detrimental but light activity is beneficial so try something a little different instead of your usual work out. Vitamins and supplements can help aide recovery so why not chat to the experts at Click Pharmacy to see what could help you?

  1. Social butterflying

Just after Christmas and New Year’s Eve, we are quite often all-partied out, so the thought of socialising is the last thing we want to do. However, it isn’t long before the cabin fever kicks in and early nights start getting a bit dull. It’s very easy to feel like seeing friends is far favourable than going to the gym and depending on how late a night you have, getting up for your session the next day might seem an insurmountable task.

  1. It’s all about the money

Some gyms are eye-wateringly expensive and then let’s not forget how pricey the latest work out gear can be. This can feel off-putting but there are plenty of options available from paying 12 months upfront to save money, local leisure centres are often well-equipped and there are ones with reduced facilities such as no swimming pool which can work out cheaper. In reality, given how unhealthy modern lifestyles can be and the impact that has on our wellbeing, can you afford NOT to join a gym?

There’s always going to be a reason not to go to the gym, so you need to find more reasons to ensure you do go. If you find an exercise you enjoy this will be infinitely more achievable so try lots of different things to see what keeps you motivated.